welcome to book 2’s audio experience!


Thank you for purchasing the Audio Experience, Humanity’s Awakening in Ascension: Channeled Memories of Earth’s Hidden Truths.

There are 18 stories in Humanity’s Awakening in Ascension. For the optimal audio experience please review the recommendations below.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an ordinary audio book where you can listen to its entirety within in a day, week or month. There is potent energy weaved within these transmissions. Activations can happen while listening to the memory or afterward in your day or dreamtime. The Divine Light Collective has selected these specific stories of Earth to help the listener activate and align to their Soul Mission and purpose. These audio stories are available until August 31, 2024.

Recommendations before diving in:

• Listen to each audio file in chapter order as listed below. We recommend listening with headphones on and in a space where you will not be disturbed.

• After listening to the memory, ground your energies into the Earth. Have a glass of water and journal your experiences. We also recommend having a journal by your bed as information may come through in your dreamtime.

• You can listen to the same file as many times as you like. However, PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO MULTIPLE STORIES AT ONCE! These files are of a high frequency and there needs to be time in between each memory for your energy to process and integrate.

• Lastly, be open to what you see, feel, hear and know, when listening to these ancient stories. This is an exciting time on your path and I can’t wait for you experience Earth’s memories of Truth!

Blessings of Love and Light,

Story One: Hanu and Star

Story Two: Aleeyah and Isis

Story Three: Arthur, Excalibur and Genevieve

Story Four: Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Story Five: Goliath and Medusa

Story Six: Merchukèkakna

Story Seven: Ishtar and the three Pendants

Story Eight: Ööshkanuk and Grandeurilite

Story Nine: Merlia and her daughter

Story Ten: Okaléé and the chamber

Story Eleven: Antigua and Mother Mary

Story Twelve: The Maguana

Story Thirteen: The Ayahuasca Ceremony

Story Fourteen: Abbott and Hugh

Story Fifteen: Seraphina and the Delphi Oracles

Story Sixteen: Alexandria

Story Seventeen: Elijah and Moses

Story Eighteen: Carrana and Isiah



For many Souls that are on Earth now, their counterpart is in other realms assisting them.

We move into the story of Hanu and Star to shed light on this relationship.

As you listen to their story and the vibration moves through you, this may awaken your own connection with your spiritual partner on the other side and release and clear what no longer serves you in the Earthly realm.

Headphones are recommended.


We move into a time of Ancient Egypt, where the connection to the Star people, intuition, and the Enlightened Ones are true.

Aleeyah’s story is a memory in her life that redefined her as a Soul and how Isis came to be. As we tap into her life-changing transformation, the frequency of that time moves through your own energy, activating your own gifts and memories of Ancient Egypt.

Headphones are recommended.

story 3: Arthur, Excalibur and Genevieve

The memory of Arthur, Excalibur and Genevieve was a time between veils. Magic was the way among many as was the understanding and respecting the ways of the elements.

This story brings in the awakening of your own magic as your planet and energy shift into a higher vibration.

Headphones are recommended.

story 4: Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

We bring forth an unknown story of truth and freedom.

Long ago in Israel, in the heart of Bethlehem, Earth’s memory begins with the story of Yeshua. In your world Yeshua also goes by the name of Jesus.

As this memory unfolds, your own activation of freedom occurs within your cells and energy fields.

Headphones are recommended.

story 5: goliath and medusa

Leave behind what you have heard in the past about these Souls, for the truth was hidden and shall now be revealed.

This story is one of contribution and honouring your Soul’s intuition. As you listen to this memory remembrances of your past lives in Ancient Rome will come forth. An integration will take place, awakening who you are meant to be in this lifetime.

Headphones are recommended.

Story six: Merchukèkakna

We bring forward a memory of Merchukèkakna, a Mer-Being who was assigned the challenging task in seeding Earth with their species.

As this story unfolds, memories will come forward regarding the beginning of your own journey when you first decided to come to Earth.

Headphones are recommended.

story seven: ishtar and the three pendants

Earth’s memory of Ishtar and the three pendants is one of transformation and courage.

Ishtar was a Soul of pure heart in his lifetime and was part of the bigger picture to anchor more Light into the Earth.

As this story unfolds there is a frequency that moves into your cells for your own strength and courage to come forward.

Headphones are recommended.

story eight: ööshakanuk and grandeurilite

The story of Ööshkanuk and Grandeurilite is about an initiation, the stepping into one’s destiny.

As you listen to this memory, a vibration rises within oneself, an awakening occurs, activating your own experiences with other Light Beings and worlds.

Headphones are recommended.

story nine: merlia and her daughter

Earth’s next memory is about letting go of control and fear, having faith in the unknown.

There is a grand design to your life and as you listen to Merlia and her daughter’s story, there is an activation in your DNA to release the control and fear in your own life as you step into your own power of wonder and courage.

Headphones are recommended.

story ten: Okaléé and the chamber

This memory takes place within the Earth. A time when the ice age was beginning to form and the majority of life was leaving your planet.

Okaléé’s story activates your own communication with specific details on how to help your planet, yourself and your species.

Headphones are recommended.

story eleven: antigua and mother mary

Antigua and Mother Mary’s memory is one of dreams and following one’s own intuition.

As you listen there is a high vibration of empowerment that moves into your Soul. Take note with how you feel in the days and weeks after listening to this story,

Headphones are recommended.

story twelve: the maguana

This memory of the Maguana takes place in the Himalayas. The story of the Maguana and the star people are still etched in caves that have yet to be discovered on your planet.

When listening to this story there is an activation that takes place within your cells. The activation will awaken dormant parts of your DNA that bring forth communication, and dreams from your Star family and the knowing of where you are from.

Headphones are recommended.

story thirteen: the ayahuasca ceremony

The Ayahuasca Ceremony is a story of 3 younger tribes people and their journey as they drank the Ayahuasca brew.

As you listen to their memory, the frequency of the plants that is linked to this story, can move into your own vibration.

Take note after listening if you can feel what the plants are communicating to you. Your household plants may ask for more sunlight, a drink of water or a kind word of love.

When walking in your community, plants and trees may take on a shine of their own.

Headphones are recommended.

story fourteen: abbott and hugh

Abbott and Hugh were the best of friends growing up even though they were at opposite ends of the social classes.

Their story is one of endings and the discovery of one self. Through adversity, courage and an everlasting friendship this memory unfolds.

As you listen to their story, your own revelations will come forward as you examine your friendships throughout your life.

This story can help you with forgiveness and letting the past go.

Headphones are recommended.

story fifteen: seraphina and the delphi oracles

The Delphi Oracles were women who had intuitive gifts and abilities. Many scholars and those that sought guidance would line up to hear the Oracles insights and ways of the future. As you listen to this story, there can be remembrances that come forward of a lifetime that you lived during this time, bringing forth your gifts of old.

Headphones are recommended.

story sixteen: alexandria

Alexandria was molded by her father to become a leader in Rome. This memory is of one particular night, when greed and power had reached its peak within Alexandria and her life took a fateful turn.

As you listen to her story, the vibration of compassion enters your heart. There is an awareness of understanding that awakens within your Being as you move forward in your life.

Headphones are recommended.

story seventeen: elijah and moses

Elijah and Moses is a memory from biblical times.

Each listener may not resonate with Elijah’s story, however the message is clear for all in the end.

Headphones are recommended.

story eighteen: caranna and isiah

The memory of Caranna and Isiah is a forgotten tale and one that is relevant in today’s society. As the Light increases in and on your world, it is imperative to anchor the Light for those that are called to do so.

As you listen to this story, your own knowing of how to anchor the Light in your own way will come forward.

Headphones are recommended.